David Coffaro Vineyard and Winery

arrow May 17 - May 23, 2015

Tuesday May 19, 2015

Pat headed down to Giants games today. I will have a few days by myself so I will be fine.I am the cook here so I will have different things than if Pat was here.

I am not sure which dinner is first, Let's see, I will have steak tonight and then chicken gizzards tomorrow.

I drink a lot of water so that is why I am healthy but it does require a trip or two in the middle of the night to pee. Last night I got up at 3 and stubbed my toe. it's maybe OK but will be a problem for awhile

Some of you are wondering when I will be up in Alaska. Pat and Brad are always thinking I should not say when we are leaving. Why are they worrying about everything.............

I am leaving on June 1 and will be back on June 16. I will see the Belmont with Susie in Seattle on June 6. I will hope to see most of the French Open before and while traveling. It looks like Nadal will not win this year.

Wednesday May 20, 2015

7:00 Pm: Yes Pat is in the City to see a few Giants games and I will pick her up on Friday. Sure it will be easy with my Model S. I digress

Josh is leaving for a few days and we will be back together on the 18th of June...........

8:00 Pm: So I have taken a break now and SO I am having a nice taste of Heineken. I know some of you will think I am a wimp, but at this time of night Heineken is just perfect.

So I have to think of bottling the 2014 10 month aged wines in July. I am real organized, it is so easy. There are too many things on my mind to relate all but I am thinking about those guys in Yosemite, wow they were amazing what they did in the past. I am not an athlete and never was. I was slow at running but my Mother said my Father was real fast, so be it............. I was slow and I remember I could not climb up a rope which was required in Gym class. I was weak trying to pull up my big body so I was embarrassed BECAUSE we all had to climb up the rope at least 20 feet. I got a "C" in Gym.

9:00 Pm: Next week Josh is away and Pat and I will prepare for our trip to Alaska. The vines in the vineyard are looking great. Dan the adviser works with Catarino to give some fertilizer at important times. There are many things still to do before we leave...........

Friday May 22, 2015 last night

Pompous, I just read the definition and I guess I am Pompous at times, but I am always listening to the next thing so tomorrow is another day.

I asked Matt to come back to transition our bottling with Josh and he says he is declining. Wow, as far as I know Matt owes me a few hours...............Long story, just ask

So Matt is too busy, with what? he is not communicating except he will not help us get ready for bottling, so be it..........We do not need Matt

Like i said Pat and I are off for North to Alaska, fine...........I will love it......water and alcohol

This next week obviously Pat and I have a lot to do to get ready for our vacation. And since Matt is unwilling to help, I will have to arrange a few things to get ready for bottling on July 6. We have all the labels ordered and bottles ready to be delivered. I need to be in control........does that mean I am Pompous

I am having a hard time relating to my two one year old cats. They are not like dogs who always love you. I like cats better because they are not necessary about food like me. Like i have said before I think I was a dog in my last life and I do not like dogs for that reason. Dogs like me in in this new life only think about our next meal. When driving home today to visit my 93 year old mother, Vivien..........after 5+ hours of driving in my great Model S I was thinking about my next several days of food before our trip on June One. I am always thinking about my next meal, like Dogs............but yes cats do also. But cats do not eat to excess like I have done in the past and dogs do always, my dogs I have observed. These two cats will be without me while Pat and I head off for 19 days. I hope they are still around when we get back, because this is the country...scary monsters and they need someone to be with them some times at night...............

8:00 Pm: So I have a Ge Ge on my lap now, my young cat of one year old. She has been out many days recently and has not come home until the morning. Maybe she is tired now or maybe she is bored outside BUT now she is sitting on my lap while I type this. Of course I am concerned while we are away..........

Saturday May 23, 2015

9:00 Pm: I am not happy tonight even though I am soon to be off for a great vacation AND the giants have won 7 in a row. I am soon to go up to see two Giants games and also see basketball, so I will survive BUT

But I was hoping Matt would come back to help us set up for bottling in July our 2014 10 Month aged wines, but he says: "I am unavailable and leave it in the experienced hands with both AWS and the winery team."

Matt owes me. I suggested to him when I gave him a check for an extra week of pay. I only asked for a few hours. So be it Matt is not interested in helping us out, I have to get over it. It just hurts me........he has no passion

OK, Dave!!!!!!!!!!!, I know I have to get over this. This coming week will be organized. I have many things to arrange before Pat and I leave North.                                                                                       



For any comments or questions I encourage any of you to e-mail.....david@coffaro.com


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