David Coffaro Vineyard
          and Winery Winemaker's Diary

arrow November 18 - November 24, 2012

Thursday November 22, 2012

It is close to 8 am so I need to get out of here so this is what I wrote last night in a hurry..........

November 21, 2012 

One month before Winter............

I just had a very memorable vacation. We got back yesterday. Susie is with us and we are having  a nice time tonight, ready to traverse back to Millbrae where my Mother will host Thanksgiving again.

WOW, WOW.............the Coast and waves. I know the East Coast would be great also but I only have experienced a storm, 60 mile winds there only once. What we endured the last three days was something we will not forget.

I will talk about the market at another time..........I bought back

Pat and I had glorious days on November 13 and 14th on the Oregon coast. No clouds and no rain...perfect if you wanted quiet with a few waves. I loved it!! We headed off to Portland on the 15th and it was another beautiful day. Friday we headed up to see Susie in Seattle....a few showers as usual but a nice time................

Then there was Sunday. Susie could not get off from work until 4 so we headed off to Oregon from Washington in a blinding storm and wind........

I forgot to say we headed off from our place on Tuesday in the new Fiesta.............that gets 35 miles to the gallon.

On Sunday the 18th, the wind was intense....................it rocked the LIGHT Fiesta. I drove about 150 miles, actually in less than 3 hours, but I was stressed when i got to Vancouver. The Fiesta did not do well. I got chastised constantly by Susie in the front seat and Pat in back. I know at times the Fiesta was lifted up a bit and it was hard to keep it in the lane. There were times I needed a break, but when necessary ALL of us did  a great job.

The next day from Vancouver Washington to Crescent City was to be much more challenging. We were heading to the Oregon Coast to end up just below the border in California. As we drove off on this two lane road, extremely windy, we started stressing out. Susie was driving and doing well, but she did not like it when a car would come up in back of her. She thought I could do better but i doubt it in this Fiesta. The Fiesta handled wonderfully but if you needed a pick up around a curve when someone was in back of you, it failed the test. The Fiesta has no power, but I love the handling when not in th wind. Susie made it all the way to the Coast of California at 4pm.

It got more intense as we got near the Pacific Ocean. When we arrived at Crescent City, the sound was high. We had heard there was winds up to 100 miles per hour about 50 miles North in Oregon. The winds we experienced were probably up to 60 miles per hour. We could still walk out of our room but could not see or move fast. It was fun!! Pat and Susie would have to say what they thought. We lost power twice....a long story....we are home........

For any comments or questions I encourage any of you to e-mail.....david@coffaro.com


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