Generally many would say that this dish is a smothered or 'wet' burrito as enchiladas usually use corn tortillas. We are using flour. Still, this is what the restaurant called it, thus, so be it.
Gloria Sauce: For the sauce we take a 14oz can of diced tomatoes with juice and puree on high speed in a blender with a little bit of chicken boullion (or salt) and a dash of Maggi Jugo (optional). That goes into a pot and simmers with a small pat of butter and one small onion (or equivalent) cut in to tenths (making crescents), give or take. Add a little extra water to start to extend the cooking time and cook until it is reduced just a bit and the onions are cooked. If it gets too thick, just add back some water. We'll use the sauce for 3 or 4 enchiladas.
Ingredients for one enchilada. Sometimes we make 3, sometimes 4.
- Gloria Sauce (above)
- 1 10-12" (give or take, ours are homemade) flour tortilla
- 2 oz Mexican chorizo
- 4 oz. Chicken (we use leftovers from a roast chicken), shredded
- 1 small onion
- Cheddar cheese
- Guacamole
Fill a warm tortilla with the warm chorizo/chicken mixture. Wrap up burrito style. Pour sauce onto a microwave proof serving plate. Place tortilla on sauce. Grate the cheese over the top. Microwave until everything is warmed through and cheese is melted. Top with Guacamole.
ALTERNATE METHOD: Broil the tortilla topped with cheese until melted, then transfer serving to a dish with sauce on the bottom.
We used white cheddar cheese so it is hard to see in the picture and most of it is under the guacamole, though some ended up in the sauce. Use whatever and as much of it as you like.
When we serve just one, we might put chopped lettuce around the edge of the plate, topped with black pepper and a little oil and vinegar.